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Wednesday Night: Revelation Pt. 5

In this special edition, we take a look into the Wednesday night bible class on the book of Revelation. This is the fifth part of that class.

The Restoration Principle: Grace, Joy, and Unity

Last week John introduced to us the principle of restoration, that is doing our best to rely on the New Testament and the practices of the early church to determine the life and teachings of the church today. We continue this morning with an amazing story from the Old Testament that shows how this biblical principle, of returning to the word of God, results in the joy and unity of God’s people, as God showers them blessings of His grace.

Wednesday Night: Revelation Pt. 4

In this special edition, we take a look into the Wednesday night bible class on the book of Revelation. This is the fourth part of that class.

The Restoration Principle

With the sermon this morning, we will continue a discussion that began indirectly a couple of weeks ago. when we started studying Ephesians chapter four. In that text, Paul said, “There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all.” (Ephesians 4:4-5) There is one Body, the Church. And yet, when we look out at the world, we see many people professing to follow Christ, who believe and practice drastically different things. We’re going to address this observation today, and take a look at what we’re calling: “The Restoration Principle.” 

Wednesday Night: Revelation Pt. 3

In this special edition, we take a look into the Wednesday night bible class on the book of Revelation. This is the third part of that class.


Last week we talked about unity in the family of God. Paul said that there is one body, the Church, and we’re all a part of this body. However, this does not negate our individual responsibility and individual relationships with God. Let’s ask the question, “what’s my part?” as we continue looking at this passage in Ephesians 4. We will soon see that everyone has a God-given part to play.

Wednesday Night: Revelation Pt. 2

In this special edition, we take a look into the Wednesday night bible class on the book of Revelation. This is the second part of that class.

Called to Unity

Today we come to the turning point in the book of Ephesians. Paul has unfolded God’s eternal purpose in Christ, writing of all the blessings we have received, blessings beyond our comprehension. Now, in chapter 4, the apostle begins to apply these great spiritual truths to our lives. He begins by calling us to walk in unity. In Richard’s lesson today we will focus on what makes us one, and what it takes from each of us to maintain our unity in Christ.

Wednesday Night: Revelation Pt. 1

In this special edition, we take a look into the Wednesday night bible class on the book of Revelation. This is the first part of that class.

Take it Seriously

Life is a giant balancing act of priorities. We must balance our job, family, and leisure, with only so many hours in the day. Because it can be so hectic, and we can be so distracted, it’s no surprise that very few people give their Christian walk the time and attention it deserves. If you were asked to describe yourself in one word, what would you say? Does Christian make the top five list of responses? Today we will be talking about this very question.
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