Sermons from February 2018

The Bride of Christ with Wayne Roberts

This week we have a special guest speaker! Wayne Roberts just conducted our “His Shoes/Her Shoes” marriage seminar. It was a great weekend where couples could learn what God wants in a marriage. In this lesson, Wayne speaks of the church as the “Bride of Christ” and what God wants in a relationship with us as members of the church.

Topsy Turvy: People vs Objects

We personify objects all the time. Personification is when you give an object human qualities (naming a car, calling a boat “she” etc.).  When we do this, we are giving these things a measure of importance. We also objectify emotions. We say things like “I fell head over heels in love” when we can’t quite define what we’re feeling.  Things are things and people are people. What happens when we start personifying objects but start objectifying people? This is the topic John explores in this week’s lesson.

At the Door At the Cross

Sometimes when we come together on Sunday mornings we may feel like we need to leave the problems of our life outside, put on a happy face and pretend. But nothing could be further from the truth. Today if you are hurting, suffering, or find yourself struggling with a burden in your life, you have come to the right place. Don’t leave your troubles at the door, bring them inside, and take them to the cross of Christ. Because when we take our problems to the cross, we find a God who cares, a Savior who strengthens, and a way to move forward in faithfulness.

The Power of God’s Call

When you’re called by God, what does that mean? There is real power behind God’s call! What goes along with that? This is the topic Richard delves into in this week’s lesson.
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