Posts by Admin (Page 3)

#168: Order out of Chaos: The Work​ of the Holy Spirit

ORDER OUT OF CHAOS: THE WORK​ OF THE HOLY SPIRIT by Richard Shields Welcome back to the podcast! The scripture reading for this lesson was Titus 3:3-7 read by Nico Angotti! For any questions about this episode or any episode please email us at! .For information about Newland Street Church of Christ visit:!

#167: Something Better

SOMETHING BETTER by John Couch Welcome back to the podcast! This morning, as we do every Sunday, we are entering into the presence of God. In Hebrews 10:19-22 it says, “Therefore, brothers and sisters since we have the confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus… let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having…

#166: The World or Your Soul

THE WORLD OR YOUR SOUL by Richard Shields Welcome back to the podcast! The scripture reading for this lesson was Matthew 16:21-23 read by Matthew Jang! For any questions about this episode or any episode please email us at! .For information about Newland Street Church of Christ visit:!

#165: The Destroyer

The Destroyer by John Couch Welcome back to the podcast! In the book of James, we’re told that the tongue is a fire, which is able to set on fire the course of our lives. One area of speech where this is most true is gossip. Gossip destroys, rather than builds. It destroys marriages, families, intimate friendships, and even churches. With the following questions, let us consider the destructive power of gossip and discuss what we as Christians can do…

#164: When Life DOesn’t Seem Fair

When Life Doesn’t Seem Fair by Richard Shields Welcome back to the podcast! Life isn’t fair!  How many times have we all heard these words? But we have heard them because everyone has a desire and a hope that somehow life will be fair and just. But our attention is often drawn to situations that simply don’t seem right. Why does the evil prosper? Why do the righteous suffer injustice? Richard will address these questions in the lesson this morning.…

#163: Sanctuary

Sanctuary by John Couch Welcome back to the podcast! Have you ever felt like an outcast? Have you ever felt like you have no hope? Have you ever felt lost? There’s hope for you. Luke 19:20 says, “The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” In Christ, you can find a place of hope and security. Now, most people listening to this sermon already believe this. For them, the question becomes, what are they doing to…

#162: Entering Into Covenant With God

Entering Into Covenant With God by Richard Shields Welcome back to the podcast! God has delivered Israel from slavery. And now, at Mt. Sinai,  He invites them into a covenant with Him. This is a turning point in scripture and a sobering and awesome moment for the people. Moses describes the scene in Exodus 19:16-20: “On the morning of the third day there were thunders and lightnings and a thick cloud on the mountain and a very loud trumpet blast…

#164: When Life Doesn’t Seem Fair

When Life Doesn’t Seem Fair by Richard Shields Welcome back to the podcast! Life isn’t fair!  How many times have we all heard these words? But we have heard them because everyone has a desire and a hope that somehow life will be fair and just. But our attention is often drawn to situations that simply don’t seem right. Why does the evil prosper? Why do the righteous suffer injustice? Richard will address these questions in the lesson this morning.…

#161: When The Day Of Pentecost Arrived

WHEN THE DAY OF PENTECOST ARRIVED by Richard Shields Welcome back to the podcast! The scripture reading for this lesson was Acts 2:1-4 read by Andy Page! For any questions about this episode or any episode please email us at! .For information about Newland Street Church of Christ visit:!

#160: Jesus Can’t Be Boxed IN

When you hear the Name, Jesus, what comes to mind? Do you think of a wise teacher sitting on a hill? Do you think of Him dying on the cross? Do you think of a man throwing people out of the temple in rage? That last example probably isn’t the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about Jesus, and yet it is something that He did. Jesus was in the business of doing things that were out of the ordinary. He was constantly surprising the people around Him, even His followers. In the sermon this morning, we’re going to be talking about the surprising figure that Jesus was, and what that means for us.
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