Posts from October 2019

#168: Order out of Chaos: The Work​ of the Holy Spirit

ORDER OUT OF CHAOS: THE WORK​ OF THE HOLY SPIRIT by Richard Shields Welcome back to the podcast! The scripture reading for this lesson was Titus 3:3-7 read by Nico Angotti! For any questions about this episode or any episode please email us at! .For information about Newland Street Church of Christ visit:!

#167: Something Better

SOMETHING BETTER by John Couch Welcome back to the podcast! This morning, as we do every Sunday, we are entering into the presence of God. In Hebrews 10:19-22 it says, “Therefore, brothers and sisters since we have the confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus… let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having…

#166: The World or Your Soul

THE WORLD OR YOUR SOUL by Richard Shields Welcome back to the podcast! The scripture reading for this lesson was Matthew 16:21-23 read by Matthew Jang! For any questions about this episode or any episode please email us at! .For information about Newland Street Church of Christ visit:!

#165: The Destroyer

The Destroyer by John Couch Welcome back to the podcast! In the book of James, we’re told that the tongue is a fire, which is able to set on fire the course of our lives. One area of speech where this is most true is gossip. Gossip destroys, rather than builds. It destroys marriages, families, intimate friendships, and even churches. With the following questions, let us consider the destructive power of gossip and discuss what we as Christians can do…
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