Sermons from 2018 (Page 5)

Called by Whom? pt. 2: In The Son

In this second part of “Called by Whom”, John speaks about being called by the Son. Who is the this? We all know that Jesus is called, and is,  the Son of God. What does this actually mean though? We know that Jesus is God, but he also came to Earth as a man. This is a difficult concept to grasp, as is the overall nature of the Trinity. This is what is discussed in this lesson.

Called by Whom? pt. 1: The Father

Our theme this year is “You’ve been called”. Last week Richard gave the introduction to the theme. This week John asks the question “Called by Whom?” There’s a couple aspects to this question. In this first part, John takes a look at what it means to be called by the Father, that is God the Father. 

You’ve Been Called

This week, we start a new theme for the year. It is called “You’ve Been Called”. We have a calling as Christians. We have a sacred duty to go forth and spread the Gospel and save souls. Richard uses the calling soldiers and nations had to stop evil in World War 2 to illustrate the similar task we have of stopping Satan and saving the world. 
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