Sermons from 2017 (Page 4)

The Simple Cross

This week we welcome our newest minister to Newland Street and our newest member of our family! Introducing Mr. John Couch! He will be working with the family and Richard to further God’s will and Kingdom in Orange County! This week John takes a look at a basic principle used across many disciplines. From machine shops to corporate management: KISS or Keep It Simple Stupid is a mantra that is often repeated. But how can we keep the promise of…

The Next Generation

Just as Star Trek: The Next Generation carries out the Federation’s mission, the younger brothers and sisters in God’s family have a duty to carry out the most important mission of all.

Mirror Mirror On the Wall

One of the problems that we have when it comes to spiritual maturity is not being able to see ourselves as we really are. The only way we can grow to spiritual maturity is to be honest with ourselves and then look to God’s work for guidance.

Tick Tock, the Game is Locked

As we live out our lives and strive to be a good Christian and All people everywhere struggle with different forms of prejudice. Though we know God’s love is universal, and long to love people as God does, we can still find ourselves slipping into subtle forms of discrimination. Let us look into our hearts and make certain we are ready to share the good news of Jesus with everyone.

Phillip: Portrait of a Servant

Phillip is a prime example of what a servant should be.  As we live out our lives and strive to be a good Christian and a helpful member of the Family of God, be are called to be as Phillip was. Richard explains this as he delves into this week’s lesson.

Never Too Old

The world today seems to regard the elderly as a nuisance.  Old people are a debate when it comes to politics and the economy. The young see their older counterparts as a drain on their future resources. The story is quite different in the Kingdom of God, however. Getting on in age amongst the followers of Christ is seen as not only a good thing, but a means to achieve wisdom and a better understanding of the nature of God. This week Richard delves into how becoming older does not mean you are becoming useless to God.

An Examination of the Trial, Execution and Death of Jesus

This week Jim delves into the specifics and meanings of the trial of Jesus Christ as well as his crucifixion and death. What does it mean for us now? What was it like for the Apostles and early followers of Christ?

The Bride of Christ On Display

The Church is seen as married to Christ throughout the New Testament. We’ve all been to weddings and have seen the bride come down the Isle in all her splendor. That is what God wants for His Family. We should put ourselves on display as a good example and a shining light in the world.

The Forgotten Day in the Life of Jesus

There are many days in the life of Jesus that we remember: his birth, his crucifixion, his ascension. But most likely there is one day in his life that most of us has forgotten. Do you know what it is? This week Richard will tell you all about it. Did you guess right?

Raised To Die No More

This week Richard explains how in Christ we will never truly die. But we have been raised, as Jesus was raised from the dead to never die again. Death is a facto of life that many people live in fear of and are a slave to. However, with Jesus Christ as our savior, we who are in the Kingdom of God need never live in fear of death.
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