Sermons on Christian Living (Page 3)

God’s Opinion Matters

Everyone has an one. Depending on who’s it is, it may carry more or less weight. When it comes to life, faith and our souls, there really is only one opinion that matters: God’s.  So who’s are you going to listen to? You’re own? You’re neighbor’s? The news

The Problem with Suffering

This week we take a lesson about suffering from Job. When we have hardships in our lives we can start do doubt God and his plan. Bad things happen to everyone, and it doesn’t always help to be told it’s “for a reason”. However, this week we will try to make sense of pain in our life.

Finding Yourself at the Cross

We all have places that make us think. Many of them connect us to our heritage and family. The cross is THE place that grounds us in our spiritual heritage. As christians, we go to that place to regroup, to find balance and to contemplate who we are. While we go to certain geological locations to perhaps find peace of mind, or get away from stress, or to just get back in touch with our roots. Lets go to the place of the crucifixion and renew our soul, conviction and remember what it is to be a Christian.

Maintaining Our Identity in a Culture of Identity Theft

Many of us have had or have known someone who’s had their identity stolen. It can be a nightmare! It’s essentially a life-hijiacking! It can affect your credit score, your social media, your bank account and, in some rare cases, even land you in jail! Having your life stolen feels violating. Having who we are spiritually can be even more severe than that!

Any Bush Will Do

When God wants to accomplish something, any bush will do, or, any person for that matter. God uses the ordinary to accomplish the extraordinary.  Just as there was nothing superb or extraordinary about the bush that God chose to talk to Moses through, we are all common people. However, through God’s power and grace, we can do wondrous things in His name!


Inertia is a scientific law of the universe. Without digging into Hawkins or Einstein or Newton, a simple way to put it is: “an object which is in motion, tends to stay in motion while and object at rest tends to stay at rest.”  All matter in the universe obeys this law. Things do not want to change; this applies to people as well. There is a spiritual lesson in this. This is the subject John tackles in his lesson this week.

The Horrors of Sin and the Wonders of Grace

The gospel of Jesus Christ is good news. But it is good news in response to some very bad news, in fact the worst news of all. Paul states in Romans 3:23: ‘For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.’ Because of our sin, we are all lost, doomed without any hope. But Paul continues, ‘And are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.’ We who were lost…

Looking For a Goat

Special Guest! J. J. Turner has a special history and relationship with Newland Street. He was the minister here before Richard Shields.  Brother Turner was the Dean at the Bear Valley School of Preaching in Denver Colorado and has preached in many congregations in the US and globally. He is our guest speaker this week!

Learning to be Patient When it’s Hard to Wait

Sometimes being patient can be the hardest thing in the world. We wait for test results. We wait for paychecks. We wait to hear back from potential employers. We even wait in line. It can be frustrating and maddening. God calls for his people to be patient and peaceful. In this lesson, Richard examines the Word in order to see how God wants us to achieve this goal.

The Simple Cross

This week we welcome our newest minister to Newland Street and our newest member of our family! Introducing Mr. John Couch! He will be working with the family and Richard to further God’s will and Kingdom in Orange County! This week John takes a look at a basic principle used across many disciplines. From machine shops to corporate management: KISS or Keep It Simple Stupid is a mantra that is often repeated. But how can we keep the promise of…
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